Lactation Policy
Board of Trustees Policy: 6.20
Date: September 6, 2024
Supersedes: N/A
The College is committed to supporting the health and well-being of all its employees. We believe that a supportive environment for lactating employees contributes to an overall positive experience and sense of belonging. We request that all members of our community to respect and support this policy.
This policy is designed to support the needs of lactating full-time and part-time employees by accommodating an employee who needs to express breast milk during the workday.
This policy is applicable to all full-time and part-time employees who need to express breast milk during the work day. For up to one year after the child’s birth, any employee who is lactating will be provided reasonable breaks to express breast milk.
Parenting Rooms
The College will provide a clean, private, and secure room for lactating employees to express milk. The room will be equipped with comfortable seating, a table, and an electrical outlet. Information regarding the College’s parenting rooms are available on the College’s website under Inclusive Facilities. The use of parenting rooms is for students, employees, and visitors of the College on a first-come, first-served basis and will be accessible whenever the College is open.
Eligible employees may take a break to accommodate the employee's need to express
breast milk. The employee and their immediate supervisor will collaborate on the times
for these breaks. Supervisors should keep in mind that the frequency and duration
of breaks vary from parent to parent depending on their physical needs. There may
be occasions when an employee will need to handle lactation responsibilities at times
not optimally convenient for the office. Supervisors are responsible for creating
a supportive environment for employees so the employee can adequately manage their
The College does not require the employee to work while pumping. However, if the employee works while pumping, the employee will be paid at their regular rate for that time. If the employee needs to use the parenting room other than during regularly scheduled paid breaks or meal periods, the employee may take additional break time.
For employees paid on an hourly basis, any break up to 20 minutes in length will be paid. Breaks of more than 20 minutes in length must be recorded on timecards for non-exempt employees as unpaid in accordance with the College’s time-keeping process.
Employees may begin work before the regularly scheduled start of their shift or continue working past the regularly scheduled end of their shift to make up any time used for lactation breaks. Employees who choose this option should speak with their immediate supervisor in advance to make appropriate arrangements.
Employees who work remotely are eligible to take lactation breaks on the same basis as other employees.
Administration of This Policy
The Human Resources Department is responsible for the administration of this policy. If you have any questions regarding this policy or if you have questions about lactation breaks that are not addressed in this policy, please contact the Human Resources Department at
No Retaliation
The College expressly prohibits any form of discipline, reprisal, intimidation, retaliation, or discrimination against any individual for requesting or taking lactation breaks or filing a complaint for violations of this policy or the Fair Labor Standards Act as amended by the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections for Nursing Mothers Act.
The College is committed to enforcing this policy and prohibiting retaliation against employees who request or take break time under this policy, or who file a related complaint. However, the effectiveness of our efforts depends largely on individuals telling us about inappropriate workplace conduct. If employees feel that they or someone else may have been subjected to conduct that violates this policy, they should report it immediately to the Human Resources Department. If employees do not report retaliatory conduct, the College may not become aware of a possible violation of this policy and may not be able to take appropriate corrective action.